Netzer’s response to the 2022 israeli elections

Netzer Australia is deeply concerned and saddened by the outcome of the Israeli elections last Tuesday. We have the utmost respect for Israel's democratic processes and the rights of Israeli citizens to elect their political leaders. Nonetheless, we are shocked and disappointed by the composition of the new Knesset which will contain a plethora of extremist ideologies antithetical to our Reform Zionist values.

The next government of Israel is likely to be a four-party coalition of the far political and religious right: Shas and United Torah Judaism demand an ultra-Orthodox monopoly over religious services in Israel; the Religious Zionist Party has spouted Jewish supremacist, anti-Palestinian, and homophobic rhetoric as part of their campaign; and the Likud party is led by Benjamin Netanyahu who is currently facing charges for bribery and corruption. Meanwhile, the Zionist left has lost significant political power, with Avoda (Labor) reduced to only four seats and Meretz losing any representation in the Knesset at all. Whilst the difference in votes between the two political blocs in the Knesset is less than 0.2%, we see cohesion and unity on the right and division on the left. The inability of the Zionist left and Arab parties to form a cohesive unit with an inspiring vision has shattered their ability to rival Netanyahu's united coalition and has, thus, contributed massively to their failure and decline. However, the minor difference in votes helps us maintain hope for Israel's future.

As Reform Zionists, our vision for Israel's future is inspired by Progressive Jewish values and the legacy of our Prophets. We are committed to promoting democracy, cultural pluralism, social and environmental justice, equity and inclusion in Israel and worldwide. At a time when these values are being threatened, it is our duty to uphold and advocate for this Zionist expression, now more than ever.

At Netzer, we will continue educating on Israel's social and political issues and foster deep connections through our Peulot and Shnat program. At the same time, we call upon our community to actively promote Reform Zionism in Israel. Whether through Aliyah Nimshechet (immigrating to Israel to continuously and intentionally better Israeli society), supporting Israeli NGOs or diasporic political advocacy, we can create change. The Zionist youth movements helped found Israel as a liberal-democratic state, and we must push back when it strays from our ideals.

We are taught that Israel is meant to be an or l'goyim (light unto nations) as part of its duty to champion Tikkun Olam (repairing and transforming the world). We call upon Jewish and Zionist leadership in Australia to hold the new Knesset to account in representing and protecting the rights of all people in Israel and under Israeli control. We pray that Israel's next government will honour Israel's Declaration of Independence which establishes a state "based on freedom, justice and peace" rather than hate and division.

Most importantly, we maintain tikvah (hope) for a better Israel and a better world. Zionist Hagshama has always been about action. The Zionist mission began as a means to establish a home for the Jewish people. Our mission must now be to fight for an Israel worthy of being this Jewish home.

Netzer Australia


a plea to the jewish diaspora - protecting the land we love!


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